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Planning and Designing Databases on AWS is a course that teaches you how to design, plan, and implement databases on AWS. You will learn to choose the right database services, optimize performance, and ensure security and scalability. The course covers various AWS database offerings such as Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and Redshift, with a focus on best practices for architecting and managing cloud-based databases.
Planning and Designing Databases on AWS is a course that helps you design and implement effective database solutions using AWS's purpose-built services. You will learn about various AWS databases, including Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and Redshift, and how to choose the right service based on your needs. The course covers key design considerations such as scalability, security, and performance, along with best practices for building highly available and cost-effective cloud databases. Hands-on labs ensure you gain practical experience in database management and optimization.
Fill out this form and download the course curriculum.
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